Sunday, October 17, 2010


What a week! So much homework but also lots of fun. Nick's 21st birthday is tomorrow (the 18th) so we had a birthday party for him Friday and it was a great time! I got to meet some more Germans and everything is more fun now that it's the first weekend back for all of them- it was "semesteroeffnungs" this weekend so things are way busier in Freiburg! Tomorrow we're going to make him dinner and give him a cake since it's his actual birthday.

It's so hard to believe that as of Thursday I only have two months left in Germany. And everyone knows the second half always goes faster than the first half! Just another schedule check:

-October 22nd: Visting Sebi and Fabi from my exchange program in high school!
-October 29-November 1: Rome
-November 19: Madrid
-November 25th: Thanksgiving- Nick's girlfriend (Meg) is also visiting!!
-December 17th: Last day in Freiburg
-December 21st: USA

I still have to find a time to go to Paris, but their train systems are currently on strike and with the travel alert I'm not in a particular rush to get there anymore. But I'm really hoping I find a good weekend to go! I'm starting to run out of available weekends (strangely enough!) and we also want to try to go skiing in the Alps at some point.

So far my favorite class is my film class- we are learning about how directors film movies by using different types of shots: like up close, far away, etc. and also how they use shadows, colors, lights, and other things to get their point across. Also I get to watch at least one movie every week and I like that I have something relaxing built into my schedule. Otherwise my German Domestic Politics class is very interesting because I have never taken a real politics class before so I find it very interesting!

All in all it was another good week in Freiburg!

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