Saturday, November 13, 2010

Happy November!

You can take the girl out of the USA, but you can't take the USA out of the girl! Starbucks has their holiday cups and seasonal drinks! I also forget that they don't do Thanksgiving in Europe (or anywhere else for that matter) so all of their Christmas decorations are already up, which seems premature to me, but I guess Christmas starts for them in the beginning of December. So hello holiday season! I only found this out due to mass amounts of last-minute studying that I had to do this week (in Starbucks) when my German midterm "quiz" turned out to be a massive midterm exam. Otherwise midterms went pretty well, I'm hoping to get some good grades, especially since in most of my classes my final grade is made up of a good portion of midterm/final exam grades. Let's think happy thoughts!

Like I said in my last post, when I got back from Rome I ended up getting sick but thankfully it went away fairily fast (unlike most of my previous illnesses) and I was able to study for midterms without feeling sick. and my week got better when not only did I get a care package from my mom before Rome, but my friend Melanie sent me a Halloween package out of the blue! It was very exciting and she also sent me a poster to hang on my wall (since I alway complained about how the room is so institutional-white looking) which was so sweet and in the same week I got a note in the mail from her! It was very exciting, I love getting mail! (thanks mom and mel!)

Otherwise all is going well in Freiburg, nothing too exciting happening. I'm going to Madrid next weekend so I'm getting excited for that and I can hardly believe it but after Madrid the next weekend is Thanksgiving! It never fails to surprise me how fast the fall is going by! ALSO- news from the sorority! I am the new Vice President of Public Relations for Kappa Alpha Theta! I'm very excited! I miss my sorority lots and I'm really excited to be able to go back!

I'm also excited for the Weihnachtsmarkt Season to start up! I'm excited to see a real Christmas Market and hopefully I can bring something home, too! yay!

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