Monday, August 23, 2010

Stay Tuned!

Only 3 days left in the grand ole USA and I cannot believe how quickly the last few days have gone bye! Visiting Albion for the first weekend back at school was quite unusual... it felt natural to be at school with my friends, but homeless was definitely a first! Leaving is so bittersweet for me...

As for things here at home, packing has been pretty much at a standstill since I first brought the suitcases upstairs and with 3 days to go I decided that should probably start as a priority. 4 months in one suitcase (since the other is housing winter coats and boots and such) is definitely a daunting task... but not putting any clothes in that suitcase is also not helpful (as you can probably imagine). So after a goodbye dinner with my Dad tomorrow night that will most likely be the chore at hand. Good thing I already made a list!

After dreaming of studying abroad my whole life and all the paperwork, emails, scholarships, and WAITING, it's insane to think that this is the week that I'm leaving! "See you at Christmas!" is the strangest thing I have ever said to family and friends in AUGUST. So weird.

Stay tuned for more updates later on this week- Thursday is the big day!

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