Monday, August 30, 2010

Trains and Cobblestone Streets!

We had a very nice weekend in Heidelberg. Nick and I did some exploring of the Heidelberg Castle on Saturday (which I had already been to but 6 years ago!) and then we met with with some people from Albion who are doing the program in Heidelberg. Th funniest part is that they had little to no time to explore the town (as opposed to me and Nick- all we did was walk around the hauptstrasse looking for things to do) so they often times ended up asking us where things were! But we had fun with them and met some of their American friends so that was fun- our room dymanics in the hostel the second night was way different and everyone was from random places- Finland, Argentina, Hong Kong, Turkey, etc. So we decided to hang out with Abby and Jon (our friends from Albion). On Sunday we decided to explore other parts of Heidelberg and that was interesting and a new girl from California came to our hostel after almost everyone else left and she was nice company. But we are happy to be in a different place now.

Today (Monday) we had to leave the hostel at 11am and we took the bus to the train station where we waited for 2 hours (we didn't realize that the wait was going to be so long) but we managed to find everything alright and we made it onto all of our trains again, even though the cobblestones broke one of the wheels on one of my bags. But it's still usable.

The hostel in Freiburg is way different and much nicer than the one in Heidelberg. It's a little further away from the downtown but it's not so bad- we have a room with a sink and small table to ourselves and the downstairs has tables and a tv area and a bar. However, we do not have free wireless internet in our room so we have to use a common computer at the entrance. Not awful, but the keyboard is weird to get used to and it's annoying not being able to use my computer or skype.

Freiburg is a lot bigger and 'younger' than Heidelberg, definately way less if a tourist attraction which is nice- our other hostel was directly outside of a tourist center and the first stop was directly outside of our window, which had to stay open all the time. Needless to say we are glad to be away from there! There is lots of shopping and things to do in Freiburg so we are excited to be here. Tomorrow we are hoping to go explore the town and find where we are going to live and such.

Overall we're having a good time (but tired!) and hope to be able to visit other countries and cities once we get settled into our program which starts on Wednesday and Thursday.


  1. Thanks for the frequent updates, Laura -- can't wait to get you on Skype!

  2. Love all the updates. Such a wonderful experience.

  3. It is great to keep up on all your happenings.
    The picture of you on the bridge over the river is amazing.
