Monday, August 16, 2010


Welcome to my very own blog page!! In 10 days (!!!) I'm off to study abroad in Freiburg, Germany for four months through IES Abroad and I wanted to be able to keep everyone updated on all of my adventures! Although I didn't want to keep everyone updated through a blog, I caved... I promised myself that after years of a terrible track record of diaries and journals I wouldn't make a one. But, here we are! So here's the deal: mirroring the idea of a friend, if everyone posts comments, asks questions, etc etc I will promise to be as good as I can about staying up to date on this website! So as long as you keep reading, I will keep posting. Sound good?

Here are some of the details about Freiburg:
-Sunniest city in Germany (not saying much but that's a bonus!)
-considered the most green/eco-friendly city in Germany
-in the south-west portion and in the Black Forest near the borders of France (25 km) and Switzerland (60km), which makes it the perfect location for traveling!

Why I picked Freiburg:
-like I said: TRAVELING!!!
-did not seem as touristy or American as some of the other cities and programs offered in Germany
-IES Abroad Freiburg offered the most communications classes in the Fall semester (and those are hard to come by- Germany is very math/science/engineer focused)

My Timeline:
-August 26th: Departure
-August 27th, 9:30am: Arrival in Frankfurt
-September 1st: Orientation at IES Abroad in Freiburg
-December 17th: Final Day in Freiburg- off to Duesseldorf to see the Reinecke's!
-December 21st: Return trip to Michigan!

=117 Days. 4 Months. 1 Semester.

Thank you-- keep reading!!


  1. I am posting a great trip wish to you, and looking forward to all your wonderful posts, so that is that.

  2. Hey Germany -- Red Alert!!! :)

  3. 2 of my little sisters in Europe (Bina is in Ireland)! Have a great time. I promise to be an avid reader...
