Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Home Sweet Home

my bedroom
Final stop- my dorm room! I've living in what my flat-mates refer to as the "Hippie Area". The roof of my building has solar panels and all of the buildings are connected by walkways- you can't drive through. I knew that my house was going to be small, but it's even smaller than I thought! My room is big enough, but the kitchen area is like a living room too. And my bathroom... don't even get me started on that. If I thought that Albion bathrooms were small... well I'm never complaining again! This bathroom is so small that I don't even know if I want to think about showering.

kitchen area
Anyway, I met everyone in our program today and I had dinner with the people living in the same area as me, since there are a few different areas around the city that people can live. I live in an area called Vauban on Merzhausserstrasse and it's almost in the next town over (called Merzhaussen) but there are places to do shopping and such right on Merzhauserstrasse and the tram goes right by my building, so getting to the city is not a problem! The tram is really easy to figure out and it runs almost the whole day.

So far so good- my housemates seem really nice (even though I share my spaceship bathroom with a guy) and they speak german with me so it's great practice! So far I live with 3 Germans and someone else who hasn't moved in yet. We start our german intensive program on Monday- hopefully everything goes well with that! So far I have been able to understand lots so that's great!

I'm having a good time and everyone in my program seems nice- so hopefully things keep going my way!
my building


  1. Sharing your postage stamp bathroom with a guy?!! Hope he lifts the seat to pee! LOL

  2. a guy?? Hm weird!
    do you think we just spend time with the people in our dorm for a little while? :) mmm nice first day!
    do you like that i'm commenting at 3 am? hahahah :D stupid time change!!

  3. I will never forget when Rich went to Germany his hotel room's bathroom was so very small he could hardly move.

  4. mom: there is a sign in the bathroom that says guys have to sit to pee so hopefully he does! but i've met him now and he seems pretty nice and reasonable.

    kristine: i have no idea, i think we're going to end up spending lots of time with people from ies but i don't know!

    aunt debby: showering this morning was definately interesting! but i managed. and there is enough room for me to move around so that's good.

  5. Deb and Laura - it makes the Laird Lake basement shower sound positively spacious! :)
