Tuesday, September 21, 2010

BIG NEWS! -revised

Alright everyone, my most exciting news yet!

I'm going to: PARIS, ROME, AND MADRID! In addition to Berlin! Today I bought a eurail pass that will allow me to go to Rome and Paris for relatively cheap (in comparisson to flights or if I didn't buy the pass) and I'm going to Rome, Italy from October 29th to November 1st! (Halloween weekend). Paris is TBD but it is looking like it will either be the weekend before or after Rome and I'm going to Madrid, Spain from November 19th to the 21st! My friend Barbara and I just decided spontaneously to go to Madrid for the weekend because we found a roundtrip flight for only $70! We're only allowed our backpack but we figured that it would be fun and exciting- not to mention a cheap way to see a little bit of Spain! Another spontaneous decision is to go to Oktoberfest for the day on Saturday the 25th. Nick found a way for us to go to a place that is like Oktoberfest in Stuttgart which is way closer and cheaper than going to Munich- and probably less crowded. So we're going to go to little Oktoberfest instead- most likely will still be a great time!

Overall, today was definately an exciting day. Not only did I plan all my trips around Europe, but we had a seminar about our upcoming courses. I got to look through the packet and figure out a schedule and I'm excited to start! But I'm really looking forward to seeing all of these new places and experiencing all of these new things. Many, many, many pictures to follow! However, for the rest of the week: preparing for my upcoming test that will determine what German class I'm placed into for the rest of the semester. Boring!

Just in case you got confused- the Schedule:
-September 25th: Stuttgart for mini Oktoberfest
-September 28th- October 2nd: Berlin
-October 29th- November 1st: Rome, Italy
-November 19th-21st: Madrid, Spain
-Paris: TBD (most likely the weekend of Nov. 5th)


  1. Fred says that Stuttgart is the REAL Oktoberfest anyway -- that's where all the Germans go, while the tourists go to Munich. Have a blast!
