Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Swiss Alps

view of the Swiss Alps from the Gondala

Our next day trip was yesterday to Engelberg, Switzerland to hike through the Swiss Alps. It was not made particularly clear that hiking the mountain was the ONLY thing we were doing that day, so it was quite interesting to see everyone's reactions when we figured out that we had a vertical mile hike down the mountain which lasted over three hours (and due to not being able to go straight down took about 6 miles).

Rocky ground above the tree line

Switzerland was very beautiful and we got to see lots of it from our bus ride through Basel all the way down to Engelberg- we even ran into a herd of sheep! It was really funny for us Americans since that only happens "in the movies". Once we got to Engelberg we took a gonadala ride for about 10 minutes up the mountain and through the clouds. For awhile, all we could see was the rope- it was pretty creepy. But we made it to the top (halfway up the mountain) and we were already in the clouds and above the treeline. All there was to see were rocks and the occasional stream of water. Supposedly there was a lake nearby but we couldn't see it due to the fog.

The hike was steep, long, and there wasn't much to look at until we hit the tree line after about an hour. Things got prettier once there was some vegetation- and LOTS of cows! We all quickly learned why the Swiss are obsessed with selling cowbells- they are EVERYWHERE! We ended up walking down the path that led through cow city where we had to dodge huge piles of cow "droppings". I spent the entire hike slipping and sliding down the mountain, but it took me to get into the cow pasture before I actually fell over. But once the initial fall happened I fell about 5 more times- it was quite the spectacle.

After a much too long hike, my legs were tired and I had enough of hiking (we went hiking on Friday through the Black Forest with our classes, too) we FINALLY!!!! made it to the bottom of the mountain! We had a break and then went on our way home.

Water that is supposed to give eyesight

Things in Freiburg are going well- like I said, on Friday instead of having class we went into the Black Forest in Freiburg and went to a remote church where legend has it a king sent his blind baby daughter to live. She lived in the church and regained her eyesight due to the water running through the church- so we all went inside and got to wash our eyes with the water. This week is our last week of class- we have a written test on Thursday and a spoken test on Friday to determine what German class we take for the rest of the semester. Then we have the weekend where I might be going to Heidelberg to stay with Barbera and I also am going to try to meet up with Dakota from the radio station. Then, on Tuesday the 28th I'm going to Berlin for 5 days! That should be exciting- I've never been to Berlin before. Then, finally, our real classes start on October 4th. (classes, what? I thought I was here to see Europe!! :] ) <<just kidding Mom!
Nick and me on the Gondala ride!

1 comment:

  1. Too bad they made you work so hard! Hopefully you can get back to Switzerland for some fun. Try to get to Lucerne -- it's stunningly beautiful. Glad you are enjoying your European vacation! :)
