Monday, September 27, 2010

Stuttgart Volksfest!

Chicken Hat! Everyone at Volksfest was wearing these!

After another week in Freiburg and finishing up my tests in German (which were both fairily easy- hopefully I did well!) some friends and I decided to go to Stuttgart for the Volksfest there for the day on Saturday- which is basically another Oktoberfest!

Band in one of the tents at Stuttgart Volksfest

It only cost us 6euros per person round trip (approx. $7.50) and it took us a little longer than if we had paid full price but we couldn't resist- that price is almost unheard of! We got to Stuttgart around 1pm where we met up with a friend, Leigh, and her boyfriend who had spent the night in Stuttgart and when we arrived at the train station they were already decked out in a dirndl and lederhosen! But they weren't alone- almost all the Germans were wearing them! Once we got to the festival, it was pouring so we found our way inside a "Tent" (basically a big room with a band) and we found a table to sit at for a couple hours and some funny Italians were next to us so we had a blast! However, at 4pm the table was reserved so we had to leave. We went outside and wandered around in the rain for little bit but we decided that it would take too long to get in anywhere before we had to leave again- so we said goodbye to Leigh and her boyfriend and headed back to the train station. We still had an hour and a half until our train left at 7:30 so we wandered around Stuttgart in the rain for a little while and found a nice cafe to have some hot chocolate and then ate a Doener for dinner.  

Weinfest in Offenburg

After about two hours on the train we had to make a stop in Offenburg where we had to wait an hour for our next train (which is why these tickets were only 6 per person). We decided to wander around Offenburg for a little while where we stumbled upon Weinfest- a street party with just wine and two stages of music! It was really interesting and looked like it would have been fun, but we couldn't stay. After another hour on a train we made it back to Freiburg- soaking wet, tired, but happy as clams. Stuttgart was a cheap trip but was lots of fun!

Monday I will be going to Basel, Switzerland on another cheap train for free with my RegioKarte- I have to go tomorrow before my card expires. So we will go look around the town for awhile and come back. On Tuesday I go to Berlin for 5 days, so that's going to be really exciting! I can't wait!

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