Monday, September 6, 2010

Random Updates

Here are just some random pictures of Nick's that are nice from the trip so far and my mailing address(es) for those who are interested!

For Mail: (will come directly to my mailbox- cash is also accepted!!! :] )
Laura Erikson
Merzhauserstrasse 150/06-00-02
79100 Freiburg i. Brsg.

For Packages (if you choose :) -will go through the IES center)
Laura Erikson
IES Abroad Center
Erbprizenstrasse 12
79098 Freiburg i. Brsg.

Now here are some of Nick's pictures- his are a little bit better quality than mine so I wanted to share them!!

Me and Nick in the airport in Detroit!
Shortly after our arrival- eating at our hostel's restaurant with a seriously large menu!
A view from the castle in Heidelberg
We made it to Freiburg!! Here I am in front of the S-Bahn that I take everyday! (with ALL our luggage!)


  1. Checking in to see how you are doing! You look happily situated. Hope all is well there! Peace.

  2. I hope you get a chance to go upriver to Ulm.. Amazing "fishing village" section with canals off the Danube. Totally amazing stone spire cathedral.. some 700 steps to the top with an AMAZING view..(can't stop saying that word)
