Sunday, September 12, 2010

Parlez-vous Français?

To answer my own question, not at all! But that didn't deter me from absolutely adoring Strasbourg, France! 70s, bright sunshine, and all Saturday in a new country was just what the doctor ordered. We boarded a bus around 9am and were standing in the French sunshine by 10:30am, where we saw their LARGE cathedral and I got my very first real French crepe!

We took a boat tour on the Ill River (which flows into the Rhine) for about an hour where we got to see all the major buildings and other historic or important things. Afterwards, they let us loose in the city for about two and a half hours where we went to a cafe and looked through all of the street vendors things- and of course we bought some French wine!
Me and the "cuteness" of France!

After our excursion in Strasbourg, we all boarded our bus and went to a touristy (but quintessential) little French winery town where we enjoyed Flammenkucken, an Alsace tradition, with Riesling. We all had a fantastic time together (as always!)

Flammenkucken! Delicious... that's some sort of thin bread with a creamy cheese, bacon and onions!
Aside from our trip to France, I've really been enjoying myself here in Germany! The weather is mostly nice and everyone in the program is getting along extremely well! We're all having a great time and our German class isn't strenuous at all and is a great review session for grammar and also for learning about the city of Freiburg.

Just to touch base on the updated schedule:
-September 18th: Day Trip to Switzerland
-September 24th:Free weekend, TBD!
-September 28th to October 2nd: Trip to Berlin
-October 4th: REAL classes begin!

Trips TBD:
-Paris to see friends Kelsey and Rachel!
-Meet up with Dakota from 96.3 WDVD when she's nearby!

I'm very excited for all of the fun things I have planned coming up! Also, I'm ready to get going with classes... too much longer of all this lesiure time and I'm not going to be able to settle down and focus once classes do start!

If anyone has any questions or anything I'd be happy to answer! Also, if anyone wants to skype I'm almost always logged onto skype when I'm sitting at my laptop. Just remember- 6 hours ahead of Eastern time zone- I can't always talk long!! :) I hope to hear from you!


  1. who have you met on the trip so far? do you hang with any of them?

  2. This looks fabulous, Laura!!! I'm just delighted that you are having a wonderful time. What little village did you visit in Alsace? Maybe I have been there!
    Can't wait to hear what you think of Switzerland. Fred it so tickled that you are going to Basel. I hope you get to Italy and Paris as well! I tried to skype you the other day, but it was very late your time so I'm sure you were sleeping.....

  3. emily- the germans are all on break right now until october- their school year runs october-july. so for right now I'm mostly just friends with the americans that are in my program with me!


    did you go in! you so should there is soooo much history there. LOVE IT! CANT WAIT TO SEE YOU!

  5. aw darn! let me know when the come please!

  6. kelsey i didnt get to go inside cause i went exploring other places, but i probably should have!!!

    emily they are back! finally. this is the first weekend they are here.
